A Note to Patients Regarding COVID-19 - University Diagnostic Medical Imaging

NOTE: This communication was sent to all patients via email. If you did not receive the email and want to be added to the list for further updates, please reach out to UDMISupport@udmi.flywheelsites.com and someone will help you. 


Important Patient Safety Information 

UDMI Patient,

As you likely now know, there is now community spread of COVID-19 in the Bronx.  The safety of our patients, staff and their families is our number one priority.   UDMI remains open to treat patients during our normal business hours. Should anything change, we will keep you posted.  

The following are precautions we are taking to limit the spread of the virus and protect our community.  In addition, there are guidelines we ask you to follow to keep yourself and others safe while you are at our office.  Please read this e-mail carefully. If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call.

First, we ask that all our patients and staff follow the CDC guidelines strictly.  These include (with some additions):  

  • Wash your hands often, with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (back, front, in between your fingers and under your fingernails), often during the day.
  • Cough/sneeze into your elbow or tissue (which then should immediately be discarded).
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands.
  • Avoid putting pens, pencils, eyeglasses near your mouths.
  • Don’t share cups, straws, or utensils.
  • Drink LOTS of water and fluids.
  • Avoid getting too close to another person 
    • If you are traveling by public transportation, try to distance yourselves from other people or wait for a less crowded bus or train).
    • Avoid shaking hands, hugging, kissing, etc.

Second, and most importantly, if you come into direct contact with anyone who is infected with COVID-19 or you yourself have a fever and cough or shortness of breath, call your primary care physician or clinic immediately.  DO NOT come to UDMI.  We CANNOT test for Coronavirus on-site.  

Third, to limit the number of people in our office and allow for more distance between patients, we are now asking the following:

  • Please arrive to your appointment alone.  Only if you must be accompanied, please limit to 1 person only (which includes if your exam requires sedation or if the patient is a minor).  
  • Please do not bring children with you to your appointment. 

With fewer people in the office, we will be trying to have patients sit in our waiting areas with at least 1 seat between them and another person.

We are depending on the cooperation of our patients and staff to adhere to these policies and procedures.   If there is one thing the Bronx is known for, it is the strength of our community. Let’s band together and do what we can to keep ourselves and those around us safe. We are in this together.

We will continue to be in touch as developments occur. 

-UDMI Family